About Omnidian

Behind the Scenes


Our Inception:
The Industry at a Point of Inflection

In 2016, a team of three solar vets launched a dream. While the industry was focused on rapidly accelerating residential and commercial solar sales, the industry’s response to performance issues was encapsulated with two letters: O&M. O&M meant that when, and if, system performance problems were detected, as a general rule the original seller would address the issue under existing manufacturer warranties. The problem was two-fold. First, time. O&M issues tended to be prioritized behind new sales. Secondly, a lot of original sellers were disappearing in a cloud of business failures and bankruptcies. The industry was facing a significant and growing fracture: the post-purchase experience. Institutional buyers holding large portfolios of solar leases—and homeowners who were stranded following bankruptcies—were losing the return on their investment from both system failures and long-term under-performance which remained largely undetected. The long-term confidence in renewable energy investments was likely to deteriorate over time. Omnidian’s mission was formed: to protect and accelerate investments in clean energy technology.

The Dream

  • The original founders spanned all facets of industry expertise. Their experience in solar included leadership positions in operations, capital management, and national and international new market entries.

    They began to ask themselves a set of ‘what-ifs:’

    • What if we built the technology and the team to eliminate responsive O&M calls, and replaced the experience with remote issue detection and proactive customer care?
    • What if we could actually identify, remotely, the root causes of issues and the portion of energy deterioration associated with each? It made sense. After all, in the real-world system issues often overlap one another.
    • What if we could build a team with an obsessive focus on service, customer care, and operational excellence?


    Omnidian was launched.

    Well, sort of. The original name of the company was PeGu. Which was short for Performance Guarantee.

    Off the founders flew to Southern California to meet with a long-time friend and one of the Top 50 Marketers in America.

    In a conference room, they explored—not names—but company purpose. The white board was filled with aspirations.

    • The ability to launch remote performance diagnosis would depend on digitalization—the very foundation for machine learning. The mission: to identify data patterns consistent with root cause performance issues.
    • Any digitalized asset class could benefit from the technology and remote diagnostics. In other words, not only solar—but battery technology, HVAC—light bulbs!
    • Finally, the new company was being formed to protect the performance of those asset classes.


    The name of the new company came from PeGu’s head of Operations and was generated from a sea of naming concepts on the white board. In fact, it is a mash-up—from Latin: Omnia (all things), and the role the newly formed company intended to play in the peaceful enjoyment of clean energy investments: custodian.

    Omnidian was born. Custodian—of all IoT technology.

Building the Team

Great people build their own job description and so the focus of the leadership team was not to tell people how to do their job—but rather to create the cultural framework under which everyone could thrive. Those operational pillars included not only the company’s values but also the targets of our collective efforts:

  • Integrated technology custom-built by our solar vets and remarkable engineers working side by side to design the industry’s first white-glove, hassle-free clean energy ownership


  • Passionate teams created in a culture where everyone is a respected “insider” who has the opportunity to be heard, to grow, to learn, and to have meaningful impact.


  • And finally, the core of our mission: The most amazing customer experience. It’s a high bar, and we measure it after every single client engagement.


For 6 consecutive years, Omnidian has been named by Seattle Business Magazine as one of the Top 100 Places To Work. The recognition is so important to us because it is the result of the ratings, comments, and perspectives gathered from members of our team, anonymously.

In 2021, Omnidian’s team earned GeekWire’s ranking as a Finalist for Workplace of the Year. We stood with giants whose cultures were carefully crafted, beautifully managed, and were focused on creating a remarkable customer experience—something we strive to achieve every day.

In 2021, our team was featured on the cover of Utilities Tech Magazine as one of the Top 10 Solar Energy Service Companies in the nation.

But mostly, we are proud of our average 4.6 Google Star rating which ranks among the highest in the industry. There is no greater honor than fulfilling our mission to protect and accelerate investments in clean energy.

Our mission and vision represent our commitment to one another to collectively create something which is meaningful and unique—and to do it in a way that fulfills us individually.


“Every single one of us
Is entitled to feel fulfilled by the work we do
To wake up feeling inspired to go to work
To feel safe when we are there
And to return home with a sense that we contributed to something larger than ourselves.”

– Simon Sinek