Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

To protect and accelerate investments in clean energy by innovating through people and culture, integrated technology, and an amazing customer experience.

The Story Behind Our Mission

Our mission statement is held closely by every member of the Omnidian family. It’s not just something we say or frame on the wall. It’s something we live and work by as we create community and provide superior care for our clients.

After our business plan was successfully launched in 2016, we paused to ask each member of our team some important questions: Why are you here? What makes this a special place? Why are you proud of the work we do together?

The answers we received revealed astounding alignment. We were united in our mission to protect and accelerate investments in clean energy. We wanted to be the first in our industry to fill a growing need in solar—the post-purchase experience—and be the best at it for the long-term.

More importantly, we then committed to honor the three cultural factors that still drive our success today:

  • People and Culture: We hire people with a passion for service and who reflect our values because we know, ultimately, the only thing we sell is trust
  • Integrated Technology custom-built by our solar vets and remarkable engineers, which is integrated into every aspect of the client and service experience
  • And finally, the core of our mission: to deliver an amazing customer experience

We Believe:

“Every single one of us
Is entitled to feel fulfilled by the work we do
To wake up feeling inspired to go to work
To feel safe when we are there
And to return home with a sense that we contributed to something larger than ourselves.”

– Simon Sinek

Our Vision:

Your partner for a sustainable future.

The Story Behind Our Vision

We aspire to create a better, more sustainable future for our environment and our planet. But our aspirations aren’t just professional—they’re personal.

Omnidian’s Culture

Our company mission, vision, and values are the foundation of our culture. They define our true north, drive our business objectives, and guide our actions—as individuals and as a whole. Collectively, they define the brand experience we call “Omnidian.”1

We extend our promise to partner with three key constituencies for a sustainable future:

  • Our Clients: We are committed to making our clients more successful by protecting and accelerating their investments in clean energy and by providing an amazing hassle-free ownership experience for their companies, their teams, and their customers.
  • Our Coworkers: Our culture is designed to enable members of our team to be their best, true self. To be heard. To be treated with dignity and respect. To grow in their careers. We desire to create a sustainable, more prosperous—and happier—future for every member of our team.
  • Our Communities: We are committed to helping communities be better places to live and work. Here are just some of the ways we give time and service to make a difference, today.

Omnidian Community Engagement


1 The name Omnidian is a Latin mash-up from the word Custodian, and the Latin for all things: “Omni.” Omnidian. The custodian of all things.